If you would like to keep your personal email account data completely separate from a shared mailbox, you may prefer to create an Outlook profile for the shared mailbox. When you open Outlook 2007, you will be prompted to select a profile to use. It is recommended that you create a separate profile for the shared mailbox if you plan to use the Mail Merge feature in Microsoft Word to send email.
- In Outlook 2007, select the Tools menu and Account Settings...
- Highlight your Exchange account and click Change....
- Click More Settings....
- Select the Advanced tab and click Add....
- Type in the name of the shared mailbox and click OK. In this example, we are wanting to access a shared mailbox named itac@txstate.edu. You will enter the name of the mailbox that you want to access. Click OKagain to close the Exchange server window.
- You will be returned to the More Settings window, click OK.
- Click Next and then Finish.
- Click Finish.
- Click Close to close the Account Settings window.
- After a short period of time the shared mailbox will appear in the mail folder list on the left side.
- If the shared mailbox does not show up properly, quit Outlook 2007 and restart your computer (or log out of Windows and log back in).
Sending a mail message
You will be able to send and receive mail messages using the shared mailbox as you would your own mail messages. However, when creating a brand new message, be sure to specify the shared mailbox account as the sender on theFrom: line:
- Click the New toolbar button to create a new message.
- Select the Options tab and select Show From.
- In the From: field of the new message, type in the name of shared mailbox and press tab.
- Proceed as normal.
Removing a shared mailbox from view
If you have previously connected to a shared mailbox and no longer want to see it or no longer have proper access to it:
- In Outlook 2007, select the Tools menu then Email Accounts...
- Select your Exchange account in the list and click Change....
- Click More Settings....
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Select the shared mailbox in the list.
- Click Remove and click OK.
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